Wednesday 31 December 2008

New Year, New Projects

Well the year is drawing to a close on what can only be described as a truly bleak and bitterly cold mid-winters day. It only serves more poignantly to look forward to the coming spring and everything the new year has to offer. I'm not usually one for new year regulations, but I did make a consious effort to control my finances and generally be more positive about my situation. Afterall, they say good things come to those who wait, and wait I have done. The final quarter of this year has been so blessedly busy that I finally feel I have achieved something which is buoying me smoothly into 2009.

I thought today I would make a list of projects I intend to complete in the coming months and it will be interesting to see how they materialise.

Fistly, 1850s evening gown and associated undergarments for the final part of the Lady of Shalott film to be shot in March.
I then have my first bridal commission to start, which requires the toile to be ready in March although the completed gown is not needed until August.
My husband and I are determined to attend the Jane Austen Festival in Bath in September for which we both need a Regency walking ensemble.
Then in October we plan to attend Whitby Goth Festival with a good friend. I've promised to make her and myself a Victorian, gothic inspired outfit and something suitable for my husband.

Crikey, I shall be a busy bee! And that's providing I am not over run with comissions through the business!

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